Subscribe to PTOFlow

When you complete this form, we will create an account and send you a confirmation email. Please click the confirmation link to activate your account.
(?) We'll use this name to create your own, distinct tenant account.
(?) If you want a trial account, contact us for a trial key. If you have a paid license key, enter it here.

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Subscription Plans

Contact us for a key for a free 7-day trial account.

By signing up for a trial account, you agree to the following terms: As a trial user, your data will be stored in your own, distinct tenant account. Users associated with other tenants cannot access your data. We will not access the documents you upload, unless we are asked to do so based on your request. Your tenant account will be deleted after the trial period runs. We will not provide information about you (e.g., your email address) to third parties, unless required to do so by law. You agree to receive communication from Lawtomata from time to time, with the option to remove your name from our mailing list. As your account is on our beta site, we make no guarantees regarding uptime. PTOFlow does not provide legal advice.

Please contact for a paid account.